The Legal History of Emotions
Alecia Simmonds et Eric Reiter
Katie Barclay et Peter Stearns, dir. , The Routledge History of Emotions in the Modern World. Londres, Routledge, 2023 : 423-439
CHA Best Scholarly Book in Canadian History Roundtable – Eric Reiter’s Wounded Feelings: Litigating Emotions in Quebec, 1870-1950: Concluding Remarks
Eric Reiter
Journal of the Canadian Historical Association, 32, 1 (2022) : 129-138
The Case of the Theologizing Blacksmith : Liberalism, Ultramontanism, and Defamation in Quebec
Eric Reiter
Ian Pilarczyk, Angela Fernandez et Brian Young, dir., Law, Life, and the Teaching of Legal History: Essays in Honour of G. Blaine Baker. Montréal, McGill-Queen's University Press, 2022 : 382-414
Family Defamation in the Quebec Civil Courts : The View from the Archives
Eric Reiter
Lyndsay Campbell, Ted McCoy et Méllanie Méthot (dir.), Canada’s Legal Pasts: Looking Forward, Looking Back. Calgary, University of Calgary Press, 2020 : 11-29
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Wounded Feelings : Litigating Emotions in Quebec, 1870-1950
Eric Reiter
Toronto, University of Toronto Press, 2019, 501 p.
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Cultures of Conflict: Welcoming and Resisting "Non-Western" Influence in Alternative Dispute Resolution
Éric Reiter
René Provost, (ed.), Culture in the Domains of Law . New York, États-Unis, Cambridge University Press, 2017 : 223-246
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Translating the Untranslatable: Historical Aspects of the Protection of Honour and Other Extrapatrimonial Interests in Quebec Civil Law
Eric Reiter
Alexandra Popovici, Lionel Smith et Régine Tremblay (dir.), Les intraduisibles en droit civil. Montréal, Les éditions Thémis, 2014 : 157-184
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From Shaved Horses to Agressive Churchwardens : Social and Legal Aspects of Moral Injury in Lower Canada
Eric Reiter
G. Blaine Baker et Donald Fyson (dir.), Essays in the History of Canadian Law XI: Quebec and the Canadas. Toronto University, University of Toronto Press pour Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, 2013 : 460-502
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Confidentiality and Judicial Mediation in Canada
Louise Otis, Catherine Rousseau-Saine et Eric Reiter
Tania Sourdin et Archie Zariski (dir.), The Multi-Tasking Judge: Comparative Judicial Dispute Resolution. Sydney, Australie, Thomson Reuters, Australia, 2013 : 183-201
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Traduction : La réforme du système d'administration de la justice des Nations Unies : le Tribunal d'appel des Nations Unies un an après
Louise Otis et Eric Reiter
Giovanni Michele Palmieri (dir.), Les évolutions de la protection juridictionnelle des fonctionnaires internationaux et européens : développements récents. Bruxelles : Burylant, 2012 : 15-40
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Nuisance and Neigbourhood in Late Nineteenth-Century Montreal: Drysdale v. Dugas in Its Contexts
Eric Reiter
Eric Tucker, James Muir et Bruce Ziff (dir.), Property on Trial: Canadian Cases in Context. Toronto, Irwin Law pour Osgoode Society for Canadian Legal History, 2012 : 35-69
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The Reform of the United Nations Administration of Justice System: The United Nations Appeals Tribunal after One Year
Louise Otis et Eric Reiter
The Law and Practice of International Courts and Tribunals. 10, 3, Montréal, 2011 : 405-428
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Personality and Patrimony: Comperative Perspectives on the Right to Ones's Image
Eric Reiter
David S. Welkowitz et Tyler T. Ochoa (dir.), Celebrity Rights: Rights of Publicity and Related Rights in the United States and Abroad. Durham, Caroline du Nord, Carolina Academic Press, 2010 : 64-65
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Privacy and the Charter: Protection of People or Places?
Éric Reiter
Revue du Barreau canadien, 88 (2009) : 119-146
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Fact, Narrative, and the Judicial Uses of History: Delgamuukw and Beyond
Éric Reiter
Indigenous Law Journal, 8, 1 (2010) : 55-79
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Rethinking Civil-Law Taxonomy: Persons, Things, and the Probelm of Domat's Monster
Éric Reiter
Journal of Civil Law Studies, 1 (2008) : 189-213
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Mediation by Judges: A New Phenomenon in the Transformation of Justice
Louise Otis et Éric Reiter
Pepperdine Dispute Resolution Law Journal, 6 (2006) : 351-403
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Front-Line Justice
Louise Otis et Éric Reiter
Virginia Journal of International Law, 46 (2006) : 677-716
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Imported Books, Imported Ideas: Reading European Jurisprudence in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Quebec
Éric Reiter
Law and History Review, 22 (2004) : 445-492
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Masters, Students, and Their Books in the Late Medieval german Universities
Éric Reiter
Paedagogica Historica, 34 (1998) : 389-401
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A Late Fourteenth-Century Dominican Defense of Mendicant Confessional Authority: The Super Clementinam of "Magister Maximus'
Éric Reiter
Archivum Fratrum Praedicatorum, 67 (1997) : 61-112